

Welcome to my Ham Radio Site.


Ham radio operator since 1984. Currently active on HF.  160m to 10M, 50 MHZ, 144MHz, 432MHz and 1.2 GHz Tropo, TEP  and EME.
Also a POTA  hunter and activator as well as a BOTA hunter and activator. 

Qsl card via LOTW, EQSL QRZ , HRDLOG and CLUBLOG. I also do paper qsl, via my US call NK4Q with SASE.


LU5CQC <> HI8DL TEP QSO on October 12, 2021.

While monitoring 144.174MHz, I heard a distorted sound followed by a signal on the waterfall. After several attempts, I remembered last year I switched from FT8 to Q65 and was abled to decode a distorted signal.

So we switched from FT8 to Q65-30c as per Joe Taylor K1JT recommendations for this type of propagation.

 First signal heard on the waterfall